
时间:2021-03-16 06:21:40 星座

The love of liberty does not dare to love commitment of the constellationSagittarius爱自由不敢对爱情承诺之星座─射手座Sagittarius is originally read ten thousand books, traveling thousands of milesof meaning, so the image is half man and half horse and the like, half part is to read books, half horse is part of the journey. So it is the pursuit of the twoaspects of physical and psychological sense of freedom, reason and the archer cannot enter into an intimate relationship is because of love freedom,feel once laid down in the sentiment, will not free, but freedom or death, soalso more or less fear of intimacy.射手座原来是读万卷书、行万里路的意思,所以图像上是以半人半马而取象,半 人的部分就是要读万卷书,半马的部分是行万里路。

所以有追寻身心两方面自由的意 义,而射手座不能进入亲密关系的原因也是因为爱自由,觉得一旦在感情上定下来, 就会不自由,而不自由毋宁死,所以也或多或少的害怕亲密关系。In fact, the free question is really very paradox, may be free in love, but in lifeis not free. Free problem is really difficult, intimate relationship is like a door,because of the close relationship, so the life and open up new space, obtain a new experience, it is not those who refused to enter into relationship people can understand. How to say? Fall in love of freedom may be important in life,fall in love five times 20 times may peace love different, but fall in love 20 timesthe two hundred love may be almost, because often fall in love know between men and women is so one thing, fall in love twenty times and two hundredtimes of love is not great the difference between.其实这个自由的问题真是很吊诡,在爱情上可能很自由,但在人生上却非常不自 由。

自由的问题真是难讲,亲密关系好比是一扇门,因为有了亲密关系,所以人生又 敞开了新的时空,获致了新的经验,这就不是那些不肯进入亲密关系的人所能体会的 了。怎么说呢?谈恋爱的自由也许很重要,人生中谈五次恋爱也许和谈 20 次恋爱不同, 但谈 20 次恋爱和谈两百次恋爱可能都差不多了,因为常常谈恋爱就知道男女之间就是 那么一回事,谈二十次恋爱和两百次恋爱其实不会有极大之差别。But life is not only to fall in love one thing, life is colorful, interlocking, married,will involve a lot of interpersonal relationship spouse, for example, brothers,sisters and friends spouse's parents and so on, which a lot of people into hislife, there are many is the magnate in the life, and the life is a lot ofopportunity.The kid is the same, not only to the life idea will change, processto raise children still open life a lot of doors, this is the wonderful life. Those who love freedom and refused to enter into marriage person, actually is in lovefreedom, but the freedom of life, in fact, is to open different opportunities,marriage is a key factor. Willing to give commitment, tend to get more freedom,refused to give commitment, often there is no freedom.而且人生也不是只有谈恋爱一件事情,人生是多采多姿、环环相扣的,结婚了之 后,会牵涉到很多配偶带来的人际关系,例如配偶的父母亲、兄弟姊妹和朋友等等, 这一堆人进入自己生命后,有很多是自己生命中的贵人,又带出了人生很多机缘。

生 小孩了也是一样,不但对人生的想fahui 有变化,养小孩的过程照样开启了人生很多扇 门,这就是生命的奇妙。那些因为爱自由而不肯进入婚姻的人,其实也不过就是在爱 情上维持自由,但人生的自由,其实是开启不同时空的机缘,婚姻绝对是一个关键性 因素。肯给出承诺的,往往会获得更多自由,不肯给出承诺的爱自由星座,往往也没有自由。Sagittarius love energy of low will exhibit the following several points:射手座之爱情能量低落会有下列几点之表现:1, a fortune difference of Sagittarius, there will be a variety of things put himtied, that is no way to travel, there is no way to the highly educated, have noknowledge.1、一个运势差的射手座,会有各种事把他绑住,就是没办法旅行,也没办法受高 深教育,也没知识。2, can not get satisfaction from playing in the sports and, physically unable tovent, resulting in not study or work on energy in the body, muscle, has beenno movement and travel this, study certainly fall behind others, along with theincreasingly poor competitiveness.2、从小不能在运动和游玩方面得到满足感,体力无法发泄,造成不能专心念书或 做事,能量卡在身体肌肉里,一直过不了运动和旅行这一关,读书方面当然落在别人 后面,竞争力跟着越来越差。

3, some bad life Sagittarius showed not philosophical wisdom, the opposite isexhibited a rash, do not know what occasions what to say, what's the properperformance, Sagittarius can be like this comparison of headless do manuallabor, no way to develop yourself more profound mental level.3、有些坏命的射手座表现出的不是哲理的智慧,相反的是表现出卤莽,不知道什 么场合该说什么话、有什么恰当的表现,像这种比较没脑袋的射手座只能做体力的劳 动,没办法发展出自己比较高深的心智层面。4, Sagittarius bad life is always fixed, unable to change, can not find a newchance and redirection method, and works without constant, the mentality ofthree months a small change, great change in three year, before and after theeffort is not coherent, cause life waste of resources, a great pity.4、坏命的射手座就是一直被固定住、无法变动,找不出人生的新机会和改运的方 法,而且做事无恒爱自由星座,心态三个月一小变、三年一大变,前后努力不能连贯,造成人生 资源的浪费,非常可惜。

Sagittarius after thirty years of love射手座三十岁后的爱情观Sagittarius thirty, pay attention to control force of life. They are very tough, likepeople, of course, is willing to provide to the people very firm support. Thisoverbearing love way, see whether you can accept.三十岁的射手座,重视对生活的控制力。他们很强硬,喜欢控制人,当然,也愿 意提供给别人很坚定的支持。这种霸道的爱情方式,就看你是否能接受了。精彩推荐:商务英语学习
