
时间:2020-12-07 13:47:45 起名

  唯美清新的女生英文名字:The wind lost his eyes风迷了眼,The sea of tears海泪,The dream of you梦里的你,Stubborn顽固,single一个人,Scrunch 碾碎,Pursuit寻求,prejudice成见,poppy罂粟花,Poison丶biting宝,perhaps 或许,Pathosis  病态,Overdue don t wait逾期不候,Narrator旁白,merlin.默,Luce .典当半世宿命,Love is so hard爱是这样难,loser失败者,好听有内涵的英文网名带翻译:Lolita萝莉,liar说谎者,let go松手,last最终,hollow空心,Habit习气,Figure背影,Fickle不念情义,Expired relationship过期联系。


  01. 永久 ▍ Forever

  02. 天空 blond゜

  03. 素颜 Important 、

  04. 肆无忌惮。Unscrupulous

  05. 如此动听 Corina

  06. 梦徒 Dream ACT

  07. Triste 旧约*

  08. Traveler 过客

  09. Tobe withered 凋谢

  10. The wind lost his eyes(风迷了眼)

  11. The sea of tears(海泪)

  12. The dream of you(梦里的你)

  13. Stubborn(顽固

  14. single(一个人)

  15. Scrunch 碾碎

  16. Pursuit(寻求)

  17. prejudice成见

  18. poppy(罂粟花)

  19. Poison丶biting宝

  20. perhaps (或许)

  21. Pathosis 病态

  22. Overdue don t wait(逾期不候)

  23. Narrator(旁白)

  24. merlin.(默)

  25. Luce .典当半世宿命

  26. Love is so hard(爱是这样难)

  27. loser(失败者

  28. Lolita(萝莉)

  29. liar(说谎者)

  30. let go(松手)

  31. last(最终)

  32. hollow(空心

  33. Habit(习气)

  34. Figure(背影)

  35. Fickle(不念情义)

  36. Expired relationship(过期联系)

  37. Excuses 托言

  38. Drink to wind(对风饮)

  39. Distractions. 分神

  40. Discard(丢掉)

  41. Dark(漆黑)

  42. Circumbendibus╰迂回

  43. Chafferer 迷心

  44. Body on the ocean(身拥海洋)

  45. Blind(盲目)

  46. Ambition(野心)

  47. Against conscience(昧心)

  48. after(在-今后)

  49. afflict.(摧残)

  50. Affectation(造作)

  51. acacia(想念)